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The company fixed the objective of creating a circus concert through the inventive re-appropriation of musical instruments, circus props, or other objects. It created the first-ever circus instrument, perfectly adapted to its context: a drum set for bounce-back balls, which can be used by jugglers. Immediately after this, the show: “The Deconcert” was created.

Since 2007, Solfasirc has performed more than 500 times with various productions.

Solfasirc has been recognized several times for its achievements. Notably, for its last creation “The Deconcert”, which was awarded first prize at the 2007 Zirkolike Festival in Barcelona and the “Public’s Favourite” prize at the 2018 International Cir&Co Festival in Avila.


The company performs throughout France and abroad in theatres and festivals from the smallest to the largest and generally wherever it is invited!

Some notable venues include: the Catalan National Theatre, the Barcelona Auditorium and the El Licieu Grande theatre, Festivals such as Chalons in the streets, Au Bonheur des mômes, les Zaccros d’ma rue, place aux mômes. In spain at the Barcelona Greek Festival, the Fira de Circ Trapezi de Reus, La mostra d’Igualada, La Bisbal Emporda and festival de la Mercé. In Switzerland and Italy at the International festival of contemporary arts and in Slovakia at the Bratislava festival of circus Arts.

Utopia: “It is on the horizon, he said. I go two steps closer, it gets two steps further. I go ten steps further and the horizon disappears ten steps farther. As long as I advance, I will never reach it. What is Utopia for? It is for just that: advancing.” Eduardo Galeano


Solfasirc was created in Barcelona in 2005 in order to link the circus experience of Biel Rossello to the musical universe of Delfina Munoz. The company then moved to Isère (Chartreuse) in 2010.

The franco-catalan company serves as a base for creative and artistic experimentation. It aims to achieve the fusion of different scenic languages within its projects.

For example, Solfasirc has worked with artists from the audiovisual domain as well as digital artists and actors, who have contributed to its creations or influenced them, whilst always maintaining music and circus as essential elements.

The founding members of Solfasirc are Biel Rossello, artistic director, specialized in circus, and Delfina Munoz, specialized in music.

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Artistic Director

Tight-rope artist and juggler, Biel was initially self-taught, then attended the Rogelio Rivel School in Barcelona and the Tarumba de Lima School as well as the Arc en Cirque school in Chambery. With 17 years of experience, Biel has always been motivated by research into the circus arts and theatre. He is always enthusiastic about new projects; while at the same time being committed to the most classical forms of his discipline.
He enjoys exchanging ideas and creating projects with various theatre artists. His path has crossed that of several other theatre companies (he was a juggler in “The Carnaval of the animals” directed by A.Scharztein) and created his own company in 2003, then Solfasirc in 2005.
His motto: “In the art of taking risks, common sense is the least common of all the senses”


Pianist and musical composition

Delfina began learning the piano at the age of 6. She achieved a teaching certificate from the Barcelona Conservatory and has experience in performance, composition, music and drama teaching.
In her opinion, the virtue of music is that of sharing and transmitting emotions and impressions which come from the world around us towards our environment.
She believes that music, as with silence, is universal and reveals many personal characteristics without us realizing it.
She is inspired by the participation of artists from all horizons.

The company is also supported by other artists, administrators, technicians and computer specialists.

Gabrielle Niss

Diffusion and administration

Culture to live, live for Culture!!
She moves mountains so that the company can perform

Diane Fisher

aerial acrobat and teacher in circus arts

Antoine Dagallier


Multi-instrumentalist and composer, Antoine is a trained Sound Technician. However, music and composition rapidly interested him more than music stands and consoles. He composed the musical score for numerous short-movies before turning to live performance. He developed the concept of the immobile music man, which features in the show “Because of Bourvil” by the BAM company, and evolved the concept further in the “Bric-a Brac Orchestra”, “Street Music” then “In Concert”.
He also features as a musician in “Walk of the barred barons” by the Les Petits Detournements company, in “Vertigo” by the Rêve de Singe” company, “Bouboule and other funesteries” by the Bisphène and Bis company and in the group “Pou Têtu”.

Pascale Diseur


Pascale’s professional activities are shared between danse and theatre, as an actor and director and/or choreographer.
She has been exploring narration and storytelling for 15 years, associating movement and speech, and has created shows for the company “La main qui parle” in which text, corporality and music are interwoven. For example: "La“marche de l’éléphant”, “Dites-moi l’amour”, “compromissions”.

Her curiosity has brought her to discover and try out various circus disciplines, clown techniques and mime. Whenever she is invited to intervene as a director, she quickly mixes circus, danse, theatre and music. She was involved in the direction of “The Deconcert” by Solfasirc and “Filobal” by both the Solfasirc and K-Bestan companies. She has also participated in the same local projects as Solfasirc.

Cedric Menager

Video artist

After 20 years working in the audiovisual events and communication sector as an editor and video graphic artist, Cedric chose to pursue his activity as a video director within the artistic field. For Solfacirc, he elaborated certain communication products for “The Deconcert” show (teaser, billboard publicity, video extracts and photos) and has participated in the same local projects as the company.

Florian Lyonne


Florian first met the company in 2017 in a circus tent at the Chalon festival. Following on from this, he became the technical advisor for the company in France. He is in charge of all technical issues, such as sound and lighting. When he isn’t blinding performers or deafening them with feedback, he enjoys year-round mountain activities.


Circus and Music company

The K-Bestan company, originally from Nièvre, produces shows which mix circus and music (“Le Grenier à Pépé”). The company initially met the artists of Solfacirc at a festival. This was the beginning of a new story which would culminate in the co-creation of the show ‘Filobal’ in 2014. Since then, the company has also produced “Pour aller où?”

Francis Thévenin

Artista de circ

En 2007, Francis intègre la formation artistique d’Arc en Cirque (Chambéry) en tant que jongleur, manipulateur d’objet. Pendant deux ans, il créé avec Gaël Lefeuvre les bases de ce que sera la compagnie Les Petits Détournements. Aujourd’hui, ce boulimique de la musique «touche» à une dizaine d’instruments dont la vielle à roue, l’accordéon diatonique, l’harmonica, la guitare et le yukulélé et co-écrit la majeur partie des spectacle de la cie.

Cédric Vampouille

Artista de circ



Born in Colonie Güell, Aleix started off in recording and image edition for television and advertising and as a graphic artist and press photographer. He has been involved in various audiovisual projets (video clips, shorts and projections) for example with the productions company Nomadreams. After numerous theatre and circus collaborations, he became a sound and lighting technician for theatre, television and some musical creations.



Musician- guitarist, graduate of ESMUC (Escola Superior de MUsica de Catalunya) in Jazz-guitar, Marc did not wish his creativity to be contained within a specific musical style. He can be heard in a jazz formation, in a rock group, playing country or funk and of course playing in circus shows, as with the Solfacirc company!


Web designer

Graphic artist from Barcelona, Gerard is a web creator, illustrator and designer.

People with whom the company has collaborated

Mari Muñoz · Marc Pascal · Ferran Utzet · Jordi Puig · Enrico Missana ·  Andreu Sallés ·

Mar Gili · Rosa Colell · Michel Rousseau · Willy forestier · Maxime Gaulier

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